This page provides more detail on some of the work that I have done for specific clients.

Deloitte & Touche | Fluke Corporation
Microsoft Corporation | Other Companies

Deloitte & Touche
Deloitte & ToucheExternal Link (D&T) is a financial/auditing consulting firm. They work to help companies be more effective and more efficient.

I worked on several projects for D&T which included a Microsoft Access database application, as well as a couple of intranet auditing applications.

The first project that I worked on for D&T was called the Audit Management System (AMS). It's a Microsoft Access database application that is meant to be used in conjunction with another system called AuditSystem/2. AMS includes 6 modules that allowed users to track entities within their organizations, projects, risk assessments, budgets, staffing, and time and expense.

The intranet auditing applications that I worked on are called EnGage and NetFarm. Engage is a commercial version, while NetFarm is a customized version being used internally by D&T at locations such as The Boeing Company and The Microsoft Corporation. EnGage/NetFarm does similar tasks to AMS, but it is functionally much more complex. It is primarily used to audit the various projects that an organization may have. As the projects progress through their life-cycle, different individuals are in charge of the project. So, only certain individuals can access/modify a project at any given time.

Fluke Corporation
Another company that I've done work for is the Fluke CorporationExternal Link. I made site for Fluke that allowed for the downloading of on eof their products called Network InspectorExternal Link. After clicking on "Download FREE Trial" or Buy Network Inspector (NI), you'll see the pages that I've done. This is Fluke's first e-commerce site, and while the hosting company was given the task of configuring the credit card transaction process, I was in charge of creating the site. Before being able to download NI, you have to register for the site using your email address and a password. Then, you have to fill out a questionnaire about your company's network. If you are purchasing licenses, you have to select how many client and server components you want a license for. If you download a trial version, Fluke will have the information that you entered about your network, and can follow-up with you when the trial period has ended to purchase NI licenses. After clicking the button to download NI, a serial number is sent to the email address that you entered when you registered for the site. That way, you can install NI right after its done downloading.

If you first download a trial version, you can go back to the site and purchase licenses. After logging in (email address and password), the information that you entered for the trial version download is filled in for you. That way, you don't have to go through the whole process again, but you do have the opportunity to update any information.

For more detail on the work that I did for Fluke, go to the Fluke: NI case study.

Microsoft Corporation
While I was at the Microsoft CorporationExternal Link (MS), I worked on several end-user websites. I worked in the World Wide Licensing Web Division and was really the only developer in my group. The other people in my group mainly dealt with managing the sites, while another group did the bulk of the development. Well, there was some friction between the two groups, so I was hired in order to circumvent some of the hassle of dealing with the development group. The majority of the sites that I worked on are mainly used to provide information to users. This information is "profiled" so that only certain users see certain content.

One of the sites that I worked on was the Channel Partner Website (CP WEB). This is used by software distributors and is a secured site that requires users to login.

First a company is added to the system, then users within that company are able to register to use the site. The site is accessed by people from several different countries. I mainly worked on the administrative pages for the site.

There are two types of administration pages, one for internal MS users, and the other for external end-users. The internal admin pages allow MS employees to maintain user accounts and profiles. This is done on the subsidiary level (which is almost the same as being on the country level). MS employees within each subsidiary are in charge of overseeing activity within their subsidiary. There are also external admin pages that allow end-users to maintain user accounts for users within their own company.

Only certain users are allowed to use the internal and external admin pages. This is initially setup by the overall site administrator who is able to add/modify/delete users from any company, regardless of which subsidiary the user is in.

I did similar work for another site called the System Builder Website (SB Web). This site is for companies that put together and sell computers, but not companies like Gateway, Dell, Compaq, etc. Instead, this site is used by smaller companies that do the same thing.

In total, I contributed to 7 sites for Microsoft.

For more detail on my CP Web work, go to my Microsoft: CP Web case study.

Other Companies
Other companies that I have done work for include:
  • FantaData Fantasy Football Software
  • OnHealth
  • the Boeing Company
  • SportSoft
  • Orange County Marine Institute
  • Market Matrix
Work that I have done for these companies ranges from site design, to interactive pages (polls, statistic calculators, etc.), to intranet application development.