You can download my resume in MS Word format (24kb).
(current as of November 28, 1999)

Work History
Currently I work on a contract basis through an agency called SolutionsIQExternal Link. I've been working for them since March 1998. I am currently working on my second contract at Microsoft were I work as a web developer.

The group that I'm currently working with is in charge of two products. The first product is Clip Gallery which ships with various MS applications including the Office apps, Publisher, FrontPage, Works, and a few others. The other product is Clip Gallery LiveExternal Link (CGL). It is a site where people can download free clip art, photos, sounds, and animated gifs.

Some of the work that I've done has been building productivity tools to be used by members of the group. These tools include a monthly process tracking system, a page generation tool, and website metrics reports.

You can learn about the monthly tracking system that I built by reading more on the CGL Build Online Tool

In addition to building tools, I also worked on updating the CGL website and was in charge of maintaining the group's intranet web server.

During my first contract at Microsoft, I had the opportunity to work on several websites:
  • Channel Partner Web
  • System Builder Web
  • Authorized Replicator Web
  • Windows Worldwide Information Network
  • MS Kit Web
  • Certificate of Authenticity Web (internal site)
  • Microsoft Customer Reports Web (prototype)
The bulk of my work has been on the first three. They all consist of database driven content that is profiled so that only certain users are able to see certain content. If you would like to learn more, you can read about the work that I did on the Channel Partner Website.

Other work that I did during this contract included designing customized website reports that integrated a user database with IIS logs, developed administrative pages for an external website so that company admins had the ability to maintain their own user accounts instead of emailing MS support personnel, and andding/modifying functionality to existing systems.

Prior to March 1998, I worked for VerveX TechnologiesExternal Link, an intranet applications development company.

VerveX Technologies builds custom intranet applications for its clientele. Other types of projects are also done, but intranet apps are by far the mainstay. While working for VerveX Technologies, I had the opportunity to work on various projects for several clients, including Deloitte & Touche (D&T), the Fluke Corporation, the Boeing Company, and others.

I started out at VerveX during my senior year of college as a tester. I worked on an application being developed in Microsoft Access for a D&T group in Chicago, IL. called the Audit Management System (AMS). This was the project that VerveX began with (VerveX was less than 1 year old when I was hired). After a few months of testing I began doing development on AMS with another developer. Then, soon after, I was the only developer on the project. In fact, I was more than just a developer for AMS. I also ended up being the project manager. I was responsible for everything except sending the invoices. I kept in regular contact with a representative from D&T, making sure that issues were resolved. I also sent updates every couple of weeks listing what had been done and how much time had been spent on each item.

I also began working on a couple of our intranet applications. D&T at the Boeing Company (Seattle, WA.) and D&T at Microsoft (Redmond, WA.) were both using an intranet application called NetFarm. They used it to track projects that they were doing at each site.

Then, I was put in charge of developing the first e-commerce website for the Fluke Corporation. The site allows for the online purchase of their product called Network Inspector (NI). You can learn more by reading about the work that I did for Network Inspector.

Before working at VerveX, I interned for a company called Market MatrixExternal Link. While at Market Matrix, I designed websites for clientele and used Cold Fusion for database interactivity.

I worked as an Information Technology Intern for a company called Rayonier, Inc.External Link, an international forest products company that deals with pulp, timber, and other wood products. My role included setting up new computers, installing and configuring software, and troubleshooting users' computer problems/questions. I was also responsible for traveling to satellite offices from Vancouver, WA. to Ketchikan, AK. These offices were small (4 - 8 people) and didn't have any form of tech support on hand. While at these offices, I would address computer related problems that people had. I would also upgrade software on workstations and servers if necessary, and audit the software and hardware at the offices.

While at the University of Washington, I worked as a computer lab consultant and as a grader for a Visual Basic class. As a lab consultant, I was responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the lab and for helping users of the lab when they had problems. As a grader, I was responsible for evaluating/debugging students' Visual Basic program homework.
